| Youth Ministry
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Vision Statement:

We will help our young people develop spiritually, emotionally, relationally, academically, and economically. We will strive to be a Holistic Ministry intent on developing fully devoted followers of Christ. Our goal is to have a group of radical disciples who are serious about seeking after God and living a life of service for Him.


Mission Statement:

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (KJV)

We will provide the young people of Galilee with a biblical foundation that they will be able to stand on when they get older. This standard and moral compass will guide them in their daily decision making as they navigate the rough waters of life. We will make the bible real and relevant to their lives and show them that being in a relationship with Jesus demands living differently from the rest of the world.


Theme Song:

William McDoanld “I Give Myself Away”

-Everything we do is geared toward preparing them to devote their lives to Jesus. Becoming Sold Out Saints who Serve.